While China feeds the world's largest population, it is also feeding starving people across the world, playing an important role in helping tackle global hunger, experts said.
President Xi Jinping told artists that they should not pursue commercial success at the expense of producing work with artistic and moral value.
While China feeds the world's largest population, it is also feeding starving people across the world, playing an important role in helping tackle global hunger, experts said.
President Xi Jinping told artists that they should not pursue commercial success at the expense of producing work with artistic and moral value.
While China feeds the world's largest population, it is also feeding starving people across the world, playing an important role in helping tackle global hunger, experts said.
President Xi Jinping told artists that they should not pursue commercial success at the expense of producing work with artistic and moral value.
While China feeds the world's largest population, it is also feeding starving people across the world, playing an important role in helping tackle global hunger, experts said.
President Xi Jinping told artists that they should not pursue commercial success at the expense of producing work with artistic and moral value.
While China feeds the world's largest population, it is also feeding starving people across the world, playing an important role in helping tackle global hunger, experts said.
President Xi Jinping told artists that they should not pursue commercial success at the expense of producing work with artistic and moral value.
While China feeds the world's largest population, it is also feeding starving people across the world, playing an important role in helping tackle global hunger, experts said.
President Xi Jinping told artists that they should not pursue commercial success at the expense of producing work with artistic and moral value.