Comfort women's 71-year wait for justice
2016-08-16 13:39
By (Xinhua)
Photo taken on Aug 11, 2016 shows ruins of a blockhouse of the Japanese army on Fengpo Mountain in Shangshe Village of Yu county, North China's Shanxi province. Monday marked the 71st anniversary of Japan's unconditional surrender at the end of World War II. Some 400,000 women in Asia were made into comfort women for the Japanese army during WWII, nearly half of which are Chinese, according to a research center of comfort women under the Humanities and Communication College of Shanghai Normal University. Since 1990, some 100 surviving comfort women began to speak publicly about the atrocities they suffered from the Japanese invaders during the war and sought legal actions. They have continued to push for the cause despite being in old age and suffering from poverty and disease. [Photo/Xinhua]