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Tyranny of minority in Hong Kong takes its toll

Updated: 2014-10-08 08:08
(China Daily)

Other Views

The essence of democracy lies in respecting the will of the majority, and it must follow some basic principles, such as reasonable discussion, peaceful negotiation and accepting the results, which is evident in a number of countries. The "Occupy Central" organizers are trying to impose their will on that of the majority, and have taken radical means for their selfish political interests; what they are doing is not democracy but "mob-ocracy", which will only lead to the decline of Hong Kong.

china.com.cn, Oct 5

How could a small group of people, who put their narrow interests beyond those of the people, get popular support? How could their political usurpations, which are against democratic principles and disrespect rule of law, be echoed by international media? The failure of "Occupy Central" best shows that they don't represent Hong Kong people's will and any effort by them to kidnap Hong Kong is doomed to fail.

Indonesia-and US-based International Daily News, Oct 7

Some media from the West have claimed "Occupy Central" has popular support. Let the facts speak for themselves. From Sept 30 to Oct 5, the Hong Kong Research Association randomly interviewed 1,361 adult residents by telephone, and 67 percent of them said they don't support "Occupy Central". Further, 54 percent of the respondents said the campaign was having a negative effect upon their lives, while 46 percent worried it might have a negative influence upon Hong Kong's international image.

chinanews.com, Oct 6

The Hong Kong people have suffered much from "Occupy Central": many shops have closed, small-and medium-sized enterprises have seen their sales decline, while several countries have issued travel warnings that have resulted in a drop in the number of visitors to Hong Kong. When can we stop the evil logic that innocent people pay for the selfish interests of an outspoken minority?

rednet.cn, Oct 6


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