Rubber Duck, created by Dutch conceptual artist Florentijn Hofman, makes its debut at Victoria Harbour in Hong Kong on Thursday morning. It will be floating in the waters of Ocean Terminal in Harbour City for the public to view, visiting until June 9.
Harbour city, which cooperated with Hong Kong-based creative studio AllRightsReserved, sent the invitation for Florentijn Hofman’s second largest Rubber Duck – a 16.5 meters, 6 stories high inflatable art piece – to travel to Hong Kong.
It is the first time that Rubber Duck has appeared in China and it can also be regarded as the first floating exhibition in Hong Kong. Besides this Hong Kong trip, Rubber Duck has swum in 12 cities in 10 countries – including London, Sydney, Osaka and Auckland –since 2007.
Taking a shower with a yellow plastic duck is one of the few childhood memories that adults can enjoy without the boundaries of age or race. This lovely rounded yellow duck resembles a bath toy, and will help people regain a childlike innocence.
For Florentijn Hofman, Rubber Duck has cleaning and healing properties too. “Rubber Duck knows no frontiers; it doesn’t discriminate and doesn’t have any political connotations,” he said.