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China's one-child policy: the only child's view

2014-10-10 10:42

By (Agencies)

China's one-child policy: the only child's view
Huang Erbin, who was born in 1992, poses for a photograph in Shanghai July 31, 2014. When asked if she would like siblings Erbin said: "No, because of some financial reasons and another problem is I don't want to share my parents' love with other people." [Photo/Agencies]

China's one-child policy: the only child's view
Jiang Chencheng, who was born in 1993, poses for a photograph in Shanghai July 23, 2014. Chencheng said: "I wouldn't like to have a brother or a sister because I would have to share the [family's] financial [resources] with them and it would be very difficult for our parents to send them to good universities." [Photo/Agencies]
