Book cover of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. [Photo provided to China Daily] |
The English version will be released on July 31, the birthday of the famous hero Harry Potter and also his creator Rowling herself.
The preorder has made the book a best-seller both in print and on e-book, according to the world's two largest online bookshops Amazon and Barnes & Noble, the first time since the launch of the seventh book Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
Cursed Child, co-authored by JK Rowling, Jack Thorne and John Tiffany, has been adapted into a play that will premiere on July 30 in London.
The new book tells the story of a married Harry Potter, the father of three, who, as an employee at the Ministry of Magic overloaded with work, has been living a hard life.
He had to keep fighting against his past, while his youngest son, Albus, had to get rid of the family heritage that he didn't want. The past kept blending with the present and finally Harry and Albus knew the upsetting truth, and the darkness arrived unexpectedly.