BEIJING - A Foreign Ministry spokesman on Monday called for peace and dialogue on the Korean Peninsula, warning against a possible confrontation.
"Our stance has been consistent on the Korean Peninsula situation. We want peace over war, alleviation over tension, dialogue over confrontation," Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said at a daily press briefing.
Hong's comments came amid reports that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) may conduct missile launch tests this month.
"As the current situation on the peninsula is complicated, China opposes any action that would undermine peace and stability on the peninsula," Hong said.
The spokesman underscored China's commitment to safeguarding peace and stability on the peninsula and seeking denuclearization.
"The only effective approach is dialogue. All parties should maintain engagement, restart negotiations and address concerns through the six-party talks so as to promote the denuclearization and lasting peace of the peninsula," Hong said.